jeudi 14 janvier 2016

[ENG] My Favorite Mask Packs from KOREA

Pour mes lecteurs français, je m'excuse, ce post est en anglais! Si vous voulez cette review en français, n'hésitez pas à me le dire! Je me ferai une joie de vous le faire! ;) 

First of all, Hello! It's been a while!
After a very long break, I'm BACK!! And I plan to do more reviews for ya'll~~!
This one is gonna be my favorites korean mask sheets, as you can see looking at the tittle!

Now you may wonder « what are mask sheets? »You could have already seen them, as they are becoming more and more popular all over the world, Sephora has it’s own, and it’s pretty self explanatory: mask sheets are mask, in tissue, or hydro-gel, that have different propreties depending on the type, that you leave  on your face for usually 15~20mn. It’s one of my favorite way to relax myself, and also a great way to boost your skincare! If talking about mask sheets, you can’t go without mentioning the korean mask sheets! There literally are dozen of thousands type there, as every brand has it’s own, prices going to 0.50ct to 50€ for some super fancy brands!
I was lucky to study in Korea for 6 monthes, so I got to try as many masks as my heart desired, and my heart desired a lot.
Now let me give you a bit of background info on my skintype! I have a very thin, sensitive skin, prone to breakouts on the chin and in between my eyebrows. The acne on my chin is hormonal and really persistent, and since my skin is so sensitive it leave quite a lot of red marks when the pimple’s gone. Sweet souvenir. My T-zone is midly oily, and my cheeks are a little bit dry. With that in mind, let me tell you my favorites masks, and for what cases they’re the best!
This mask is by far the one that I love the most, because it’s effects last for quite some time! Usually one week, which is pretty great for a mask sheet. It claims « Mask relieve and soothes irritated and sensistive skin caused by excessive sebum and skin troubles ».
Its consistency is slightly sticky, not runny, which is something I llike for masks, because there is nothing I hate more than feeling drops rolling down my neck down to my chest- worst feeling ever.
Another I really like about  Leader’s mask is that they are well shaped. By that I mean they fit really well on european faces.
This mask is really great for when you have a lot of redness, and un-poped zits. It soothes the skin and let it feel veeerrryyyy silky afterneath! Since there are a lot of product inside the pack, what I usually do is that i keep the remaining product inside and apply it once again either right after or the morning before, to kinda boost it!
If you’re interrested in it, you can easily find it on amazon, usually by 10 packs, for around 23€, which is a very good deal imo :)
Once again, this is a mask I really love for when my sensitive skin feels stressed! The ingredient are all very gentle, and really moisturize the skin well. I love them because I noticed that when I usually use masks and have breakouts, the zits turn into whiteheads, however, this mask doesn’t make my skin react this way. Instead, the skin appears less irritated and the zits less noticeable. If you’re interrested you can go and check them out on where they most of the time have good deals for several packs!
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This mask is quite expensive compared to the other masks, but worth being mentioned here!
Now to be honest, first time I purchased it was more for EXO than for the product itself. I picked the « SYNAKE » version because not only i liked EXO-M more but also because I stay away from collagen products (my acne reacts really badly to collagen products).
This mask is really nice to hydrate, but mailny, for me, to slightly diminish post acne marks, which, not gonna like, is my main concern. I cannot find this mask on amazon or such, but if you’re a GMarket shopper I’m pretty sure you can find it there, or go to Korea ha ha! ;)
When my friend gave this mask to me, I wasn’t expecting much. SKINFOOD is a good brand, but I’ve never been impressed with their mask in the past. But my friend told me it was really good for acne prone skin, as tomato is a natural purifier, and whitener. So, trusting my flawless-skined friend I gave it a shot, and my my my! I was so greatly impressed! The skin appear way less red, and the acne, as well as post marks, are slighlty faded! The effects do not last for that long,maybe one or two day, but it’s really nice if for example, you have a party, or a date and want to look extra-nice! You can find it for around 3€/p on amazon! Cheap~ And I’m pretty sure you can find great « 10 pack » deals as well!
I’ve always been atracted to the pretty packaging of MBD, but never had the opportunity to try them. However, when I went to Korea, I bought a box with several types of masks from MBD, and I literally fell in love! Each and every single mask I used did so much good to my skin I was impressed! But if I had to only recomend one, for acne prone sensitive skin, it’d be the Coix Seed Mask. It’s a purifying, hydrating mask that will brighten your skin complexion. I really love it! Other masks I recommend from MBD are the Black Pearl one, and the Aloe One. For firming and nourishing, the Bird Nest one is amazing too! Like the other masks, you can find them on amazon! Amazon’s you’re best friend when it comes to asian cosmetics! ;)
I hope you enjoyed this post! If there are any masks you’re curious about, feel free to ask me, I may have tried them! :):)
Until next time~

samedi 8 juin 2013

Review: Bavipath's Under My Skin GoodBye Sebum Primer

Au programme aujourd'hui: une brève revue du Primer de Bavipath "Under My Skin GoodBye Sebum". Comme son nom l'indique, c'est une base qui contrôle la quantité de sébum sécrétée, pour avoir une meilleure application du maquillage et prolonger sa durée de vie!~

Mon avis:
Je trouve que cette base fait trés bien son job! L'application est agréable, le produit est assez crémeux et rend la peau douce et lisse! J'ai une peau à problème, et je trouve ça important d'appliquer une base, ne serait-ce que pour éviter d'aggraver mes problèmes! En choisissant une base adaptée on évite ainsi de laisser la peau se faire "contaminer" par les fonds de teint, BBcreas, CC cream, pollution... En plus, ça rend le démaquillage plus facile!

A qui je recommande cette base:
Je vous la recommande si votre peaux est un peu sèche, mixte ou moyennement grasse! Je ne sais pas si elle serait adaptée à des peaux trés grasses vu sa texture crémeuse.

Durée de vie du produit:
J'ai cette base depuis début mars, et en l'utilisant tous les jours je n'en ai meme pas utilisé le tiers! Good good!

Today I'm introducing my favorite make-up primer, the "Under my skin goodbye sebum" by Bavipath! It's a sebum-controlling primer that make the makeup application easier and increase it's life ('na mean?).

My Thought on it:
This base totally does what it says! The application is smooth thanks to the creamy texture of the primer, makes the skin smooth and soft! I've got acne-prone skin, and I think that applying a primer/base is really important in order to protect the skin from pollution, foundation/BB/CCcream &co... plus it make the makeup easier to remove.

For who?
I'll recommend this to those with slightly dry skin, combination to slightly oily skin. I'm not sure if it'll work well for those with very oily skin because of the creamy texture.

Using it daily since march, I haven't even hit a third of the bottle! 

That all for today! 

mardi 21 mai 2013

Revue site: DS WORLD

Récement, alors que je cherchais sur quel site commander des pinceaux Sigma, je suis tombée sur ce site français! Et comme j'ai été plus qu'agréablement surprise par ce site, je veux vous en faire une courte revue!

Le site en lui même se présente en plusieurs " parties" : une avec des produits asiatiques, une avec des produits français et une autre avec des produits américains! Le tout à des prix super raisonables voir pareils au prix de vente régulier! Et les frais de ports? Si vous choisissez les bons produits, ils sont à 1€! 1€! Sinon, selon le poids de votre colis, ca commence à 2€50 pour les colis entre 101 à 250g je crois! Les frais de port sont donc assez raisonables pour des produits "US".

Le colis en lui même
Je l'avoue, j'adore NYX mais se procurer les produits de la marque en France est assez fastidieux, et lorsque c'est possible les frais de port sont assez disuassif! Mais, ô joie, NYX est présent sur DS.US! Donc je me suis offerte le "Wonder Pencil" que je convoitait tant! (vous voulez une revue?)

J'ai aussi commadé donc un pinceau Sigma (enfin!), le round-top Kabuki (f82) (revue bientôt).

Le tout bien enveloppé dans du papier, puis dans une enveloppe papier-bulle! Le tout accompagné de la facture ET d'un mini carambar (trop chou) ET d'un post-it en forme de coeur me remerciant de ma comande! ET en plus de ça, j'ai reçu un mail m'annoncant que pour ma prochaine commande, mes f-d-p seront encore à 1€! WOOT WOOT!! 
Donc, en reçevant tout ca, je suis littéralement morte de bonheur. En plus les commandes arrivent vite, moins d'une semaine dans mon cas!

Voilà pour ma brève revue du site! N'hésitez pas à aller jeter un coup d'oeil sur le site si vous aimez les produits américains, car vous retrouverez également la marque Milani, Coastal Scents, Real Technique,Sexy Hair,Benefit et le beauty Blender! Beaucoup de choix~

'Till next Time, xx
© The Great Escape
Maira Gall